2025 Pledge Drive
Giving is one of the most powerful spiritual practices in existence. It's a statement of gratitude and trust in God.
At Incarnation we encourage all our members and friends to prayerfully choose a percentage of their income to give toward causes that serve God's mission. We ask that part of that intentional giving be a pledge of financial support to the parish, bot…
Imagine Incarnation

Reimagining Our Campus to Serve God's Mission in the Years Ahead
Back in 2020 our vestry established a task force to help generate ideas for the future of Incarnation's campus. Over the past few years, that task force has invited our congregation into a broad conversation about how our buildings and grounds can best serve God's mission in the years ahead. We're calling that conv…
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Online Giving
Please review the important instructions and then complete the online donation form at the bottom of the page.
Important Instructions - Recurring Gifts
The default donation page is a one-time donation. If you want to make a recurring donation, choose the dropdown triangle to the right of "Give One Time" and choose the frequency of your donation. It is very important …
Read More »Becoming a Member

Have you been worshiping at Incarnation for a while? Are you ready to take the next step? If this parish has become your spiritual home, consider becoming an official member of Incarnation.
Membership in the Church is through baptism, the sacrament of new birth in Jesus Christ. If you haven't previously been baptized, being baptized at Incarnation makes you a member here. If …
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Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you enrich us with your presence, and there's a place for you here. We'd love to hear from you.
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