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Who We Are

We're Santa Rosa's downtown Episcopal parish: a compassionate, inclusive church in the heart of Sonoma County. We are called to carry out Christ’s charge to love one another and proclaim God's love to all.

When you come to Incarnation, you will be invited into a sacred relationship with God and with God’s people. We seek to live by the message of Jesus, in which there are no outcasts and all are welcome. We celebrate people of every gender and sexual orientation. We seek to serve people who are poor and vulnerable, to care for creation, to work against racism, and to help the world look more like God's realm of justice, peace, and love.

Worship is the heart of our life together. We are grounded in ancient traditions of prayer, liturgy, and music. As we gather around the altar table for the Holy Eucharist, we're united with Christ and with one another, and we're empowered to live God's love in the world.

As we often say on Sunday mornings: Whoever you are, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you enrich us with your presence, and there's a place for you at Incarnation. Join us as we pray, sing, learn, give, and serve.

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This Sunday pick up your free Incarnation 100 tee-shirt

You will find the tee-shirts in Farlander. Please take as many as you wish for yourself, family, an…

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Wednesday, October 23: Plein-Aire Group

Kandinsky, Vasily, “Black Lines,” 1913, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Our next meeting is o…

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