Sunday, August 11, 10:15 a.m.: Discovery Sunday
From the Discovery Sunday planning team: Melissa Moholt-Siebert, Rebecca Kendall, Robin O'Brien, and Stephen Shaver
At the 10:15 service on August 11, we'll celebrate Discovery Sunday: a 10:15 service designed to be a little more intentionally intergenerational than usual. This will be an all-ages service, with children, youth, and adults sharing in leadership roles. Some of our prayers and scripture translations will be simpler, and some of our music will be drawn from our Children's Chapel repertoire, led by our own marvelously gifted Robin O'Brien. A subteam of our Liturgy Committee has been planning this service, and we hope to do four Discovery Sundays in the upcoming year. We've carefully crafted the worship according to the "Order for Eucharist" in the Prayer Book, with permission from Bishop Megan for this experimental liturgy. Our goal is to help involve people of all ages in worship in fresh and accessible ways while still worshiping in a way that's recognizably "us." We will be learning as we go, so we hope that whether you are a child, youth, or adult, you'll participate in Discovery Sunday worship and then let us know what your experience was like. Join us as we praise God together!
Tags: News & Notes / Children's Faith Formation / Youth Faith Formation / Adult Faith Formation